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OpenAudioMc Minecraft Plugin

in plugins

mc head By Dalton Whalen

OpenAudioMc Minecraft Plugin


In a multiplayer-focused game like Minecraft, communication is key for both progress and entertainment. While using the in-game text chat or a voice call is sufficient, many players strive for a twist on this formula through a proximity-based chat. Introducing OpenAudioMc, a Minecraft plugin that adds proximity chat without any required client-side downloads. Play music, place speakers, and talk with others in-game with just Minecraft and a web-browser. Whether this is used to add more realism to your world or simply to have fun with friends, OA is an excellent addition to any plugin-based server. The initial setup and features of OpenAudioMc may be overwhelming at first, so we have created this Apex Hosting tutorial to help you get started.


OpenAudioMc, also known as OA, is a Minecraft plugin released in 2016 by mindgamesnl on Spigot. The plugin is available from version 1.8 up to 1.19 with over 238,000 downloads at the time of writing. OA allows you to add custom music and proximity voice chat to your server without any additional mods or downloads.

OpenAudioMc Installation

  1. Access the OpenAudioMc Spigot page, then press Download Now.
  2. Save the file to a safe location, as it will be needed momentarily.
  3. Navigate to your Apex server panel, then stop the server.
  4. Scroll down to the Game File section and make note of the version.
  5. Ensure the version is plugin-compatible, such as PaperMC or Spigot.
  6. Afterwards, enter the left-hand menu, enter the FTP File Access, then log in.
  7. Click the plugins folder, followed by the upload button in the top-left.
  8. Drag + drop the plugin .jar file, then wait for the upload to complete.

Once this process is done, you can return to the main panel page and restart the server. This will load up the game with OpenAudioMc installed for all players.

First-Time Setup


Before any users can access the VoiceChat, you will first need to accept the plugin’s terms of service. If you do not receive the prompt in chat, ensure your user is an operator. Once you are ready to accept, simply use the /oa accept command in chat.

Joining Chat

Once the plugin has been accepted, any users who join the server will receive a chat prompt to connect to the online audio client. To get started, click the link in chat and choose Yes in the pop-up prompt.


In your browser, a new link will be open that asks if you would like to login. If the account is correct, press the Yes! That’s me! button. You will now have a chance to read some information on the plugin and adjust your audio. Otherwise, pressing the Join Voice Chat button will fully connect you and allow you to speak to other players in-game.


Creating an Account

While it is not necessary, server owners may wish to set up an OA account, which can edit the server and add files. To proceed with this, use the /oa account command from in-game, then open the link. You can then log into an existing OA account or sign up with a new one. With this being complete, you can now access a variety of extra features, which will be explored in a later section.

Navigating the VoiceChat Client


Now that you are logged into the VoiceChat dashboard, you can view your own microphone status, adjust settings, and view other players. This is where most of the plugin will take place, aside from playing the game itself, so we recommend familiarizing yourself with the options and sections that are available.

VoiceChat and Voice Settings


The main VoiceChat tab is where you will find your own microphone status, as well as other players. Here you can mute your microphone, adjust how loud your volume is, as well as adjusting other players.

By pressing the settings wheel near your name, you can find voice-related settings for your microphone and general audio. This includes your input device, surround sound audio, changing your mic sensitivity, and monitoring your own audio to see how you’ll sound to others. You can adjust these settings at your leisure and press the same settings wheel to hide it once again.



General Settings

General Settings

By pressing the Settings button at the top of the page, you can find other settings related to the plugin as a whole. This includes chimes for muting, 3D audio rendering and smoothing, preloading files, and much more. Aside from the VoiceChat Chimes option, many of these settings will not require changes.

Account Management

When logged into your OA Account from previously, there will be many more options that you can access. These will all be found in the dashboard’s left-hand menu and will be beneficial to become acquainted with.

Editing the Server

Edit Server

Assuming you linked your server in the earlier section, the My Servers tab should have your server listed. You can press the Edit Server button to check out the many settings.

Here you can adjust the color scheme, change the default messages, and alter the server’s display name. Other personalization options like custom ambience and backgrounds can be unlocked by becoming a Patron.

File Uploads

With the My Files section, you can upload audio files which can be played through in-game audio or speakers on any connected server. Simply select a name and file to get started, which will be stored on your account unless deleted. Please note that there are storage limitations, so we advise against uploading massive files.

File Uploads



Account Settings

Finally, the Settings tab will allow you to sync various accounts and view any purchased upgrades. These include Discord and Patreon, which will sync your perks and roles across-the-board.


In-Game Audio and Speakers

If you’ve uploaded any audio files to the OA Account, you are now able to play these from in-game. To simply play audio, use the /oa play [Selector] files:[Name] command from in-game.

Play Command

For example, /oa play @a files:song.mp3, which should then begin playing in-game.


Unlike the previous command, speakers can be placed in the world with a configured radius and will continuously play audio. This is great for ambience, improving a build’s atmosphere with music, and more. To start, use the /oa speaker [Source] [Radius] command, replacing the necessary information.

Example: /oa speaker ambience.mp3 10

Notable Commands

While there are many available commands in the plugin, there are a few that are more notable than others. For a full list of commands and other information, consider visiting the OpenAudioMc documentation.

/oa playWill play the chosen audio file, if uploaded.
/oa linkGenerates a link to claim the server on your account.
/oa showA large subsection of commands for time-coded shows.
/oa reloadReloads the plugin and its configuration.
/oa stopAllows you to stop audio for specific players.
/oa speakerCreates a speaker that will automatically play audio.



Aside from the first-time setup for OA, players will not require any permissions to join and use the VoiceChat. Permissions are only required to use the admin commands and modify speakers, which will be outlined below:

openaudiomc.*Grants full access to every feature in OpenAudioMc.
openaudiomc.commands.*Grants full access to all admin commands within OA.
openaudiomc.commands.[Name]Replace [Name] to grant access to a specific command
openaudiomc.speakers.createAllows a player to create a speaker.
openaudiomc.speakers.destroyAllows a player to destroy a speaker.
openaudiomc.speakers.manageAllows a player to modify speakers.


Common Issues

The plugin isn’t working on my server:

While there are many reasons that it may not be working, the first step is to use the /plugins command from in-game to verify if OpenAudioMc is listed. If it is not there, make sure the plugin .jar file was uploaded directly into the plugins folder. Once this has been confirmed, restart the server and test it again. Alternatively, if the /plugins command doesn’t work, confirm you are running a plugin-compatible version, as it will not work on vanilla Minecraft.

I don’t receive a prompt to set up the VoiceChat:

Oftentimes, this issue occurs if you do not have the necessary permissions to configure OA. To start, make sure your specific account has operator privileges. If not, use the op [YourName] command from the server console. If it still doesn’t appear despite the plugin appearing in the “/plugins” command, try to disconnect and rejoin the server.

Files aren’t playing in-game or through speakers:

With this plugin, you may run into issues with the files uploaded through your account. Firstly, check the name of the file as seen in the files list for any potential errors. If it appears fine, verify that you are using the correct formatting, which includes files: at the beginning, as well as the file extension. If audio works through the /oa play command but not speakers, try to delete and reupload the file before trying again.

Helpful Links

OpenAudioMc Spigot Page
OpenAudioMc Documentation
OpenAudioMc Accounts Page

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