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New Slab Variants Mod

in Mods

mc head By Nathan Young

New Slab Variants Mod


Enhancing your structures in Minecraft involves creativity, but also lots of building resources. There are already hundreds of options to consider in the game, with some players feeling it’s not enough. Solving this can be done with mods, such as New Slab Variants for Forge to implement all kinds of slab blocks. This comes in handy when building in Minecraft, as these resources amplify details in your bases. Whether you use dirt or diamond slabs, there are many possibilities to further customize your structures. Setting it up is extremely easy, especially on our servers to get started playing with friends. However, newcomers to the modding scene may be unfamiliar with our panel or launcher configuration. Due to this, we’ve created this Apex Hosting guide to show you how to install and use the New Slab Variants mod in Minecraft.

How to Download

  1. Navigate to New Slab Variants on CurseForge, then click Files near the top.
    New Slab Variants CurseForge
  2. Locate your desired Game Version for this mod in the list below.
  3. Once found press on the three vertical dots and click Download File.
    New Slab Variants Mod Download
  4. Save this file somewhere easily accessible on your computer for later.


Client Installation

Due to how modding works in Minecraft, you’ll need to install Forge on the launcher before using New Slab Variants. We encourage you to review this guide to begin that process. Afterward, review the steps below to install the mod on your client.

  1. Open your Minecraft launcher and navigate to the Installations area.
    Minecraft Installations
  2. Find your previously installed Forge profile, then click its Folder icon.
    Minecraft Forge Profile
  3. In the newly opened window, locate and enter the mods directory.
    Note: If you don’t see this, then create it before proceeding.
  4. Afterward, simply drag and drop the downloaded file into this folder.
    New Slab Variants Client Installation
  5. Return to the main launcher and press Play on your Forge profile.


Server Installation

Similar to the launcher configuration, you must install Forge on the Minecraft server to run New Slab Variants correctly. Doing this involves selecting it with your corresponding version in the Game File area of the main panel, then restarting to generate the required files. After doing this, follow along below to install the mod on your server.

  1. Head towards your Apex server panel, then click FTP File Access near the top left.
    Minecraft FTP
  2. Use your Password accordingly and press the Login button to gain access.
    Minecraft FTP Login
  3. Find and enter the mods directory, then click the Upload button at the top left corner.
  4. Proceed to drag and drop the downloaded file into the respective area.
    New Slab Variants Server Installation
  5. Wait for this to reach 100%, then return to the main panel and Restart the server.


Getting Started

New Slab Variants Mod

Upon joining the server, you’ll instantly be able to craft almost any type of slab in Minecraft. Whether you want gold or pumpkin variants of these blocks, you have plenty of options. It’s encouraged that you become a Minecraft server operator or enable cheats in your singleplayer world to easily view available slabs. Alternatively, using the JEI mod can show you all of them and their crafting recipes. Once you’ve obtained some of these blocks, you can begin building with them to add extra details to anything. Although, it can be a tad overwhelming getting started with the New Slab Variants mod for some. With this in mind, we’ve created several useful subsections below to help you learn more about it.

Slab Blocks

The new slab variants from the mod act just as vanilla types, meaning they take only half a block’s space. This also applies to their physics, meaning you can have floating sand or gravel in the Minecraft world. These resources can help you make a realistic environment around your base. However, you can freely use them how you see fit. Keep in mind that almost every single block has its own slab version. This means there are countless options to consider when building in the game.

Minecraft Slabs Mod
Minecraft Diamond Slabs

All new slabs have their own crafting recipes, which follow the vanilla types. This means you need to place x3 applicable blocks in a row to make the new building material. Whether you use diamonds or dirt, it’s all the same recipe. Sadly, making these slabs isn’t possible in a stonecutter. Perhaps in the future, the mod’s developer will implement this as an official feature.


Available Types

New Slab Variants Minecraft

As for what specific slabs you can create, there are around 200 types to use in Minecraft. These include sponges, amethyst, glowstone, wool, emerald, iron, end stone, along with countless others. This gives you the best opportunity to get creative with your builds in Minecraft, especially if you already have a few ideas for structures. Whether you make brand new ones or add to your existing bases, the New Slab Variants mod is a wonderful choice for anyone that loves building. Remember, there are 200 of these blocks for you to choose from, so narrow down the ones you want in-game.

Building Examples

For instance, making a wooden house with planks and logs can become more detailed with specific slabs. It brings the house alive in the world, as plain boxed shape structures aren’t ideal. This is even applied to the nearby blocks around it, such as amplifying the dirt pathways. We strongly recommend getting creative with these new slabs to see what works for you, as there’s plenty of designs to consider.

Minecraft Modded Slabs
Minecraft Slab Mods CurseForge

Otherwise, you can use these new blocks for parkour or other activities to have fun with friends. Remember, slabs are half of their full counterparts, meaning they can be used for all sorts of things in MInecraft. It can even be combined with others to make interesting patterns, which may help your overall building designs. The possibilities are endless with this mod for Forge!


Common Issues

Unable to Join / Launch

In cases where you’re unable to join the Minecraft server after installing it on your launcher, this could indicate there’s an issue on the panel. We strongly recommend reviewing the mods directory in the FTP area to see if you’ve fully uploaded the same modification file. Remember, you must wait for it to reach 100% before restarting the server to load it up. However, if you’re completely unable to load Minecraft in the launcher, then this could be due to an incorrect version being used. For instance, having Forge 1.19 installed rather than 1.20.1 can result in this situation. The same can apply to the actual mod too, meaning everything must match across the board to fully work without continued problems. Although, the same situation can be caused by incompatible mods trying to load together. If you have another modification that adds new slabs to Minecraft, we encourage you to remove that to see if the issue is resolved.

There’s No New Slabs

If you’ve joined a singleplayer world and realized there aren’t any new slabs in the game, then this could indicate you have an invalid installation. We suggest checking your local mods folder to see if the New Slab Variants file is properly installed. If this checks out, then confirm you’ve loaded up using Forge in the client. Using anything else will not use your mods, so double check the profiles used for this process. On rare occasions, the installation on the server won’t work combined with an improper configuration on your launcher. Solving this simply means you must redo everything to begin loading the mod in Minecraft.

Useful Links

New Slab Variants on CurseForge
How to Install Forge on Minecraft
Adding Mods to a Minecraft Server
How to Become a Minecraft Server Operator

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