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Minepacks Plugin for Minecraft

in Plugins

mc head By Nathan Young

Minecraft Backpacks Plugin


Exploring in Minecraft involves collecting many different materials, as the world contains lots of items to find. This can easily overwhelm your inventory, especially if you don’t have an ender chest or shulker box. For instance, underground exploration in Minecraft 1.19 can lead players to ancient cities with tons of loot. However, getting there typically fills up the user’s inventory with either pointless blocks or valuable minerals. Solving this storage issue introduces Minepacks, a plugin for bukkit-based servers. This allows players to quickly transfer items into a backpack, which is either accessible through commands or an in-game item. There are other helpful features from the plugin, such as automatically storing materials when your inventory is full. Installing this is easy-to-do with our panel, simplifying the entire process for you. With this in mind, we’ll walk you through how to install and use the Minepacks plugin on your Minecraft server in this Apex Hosting tutorial.


  1. Navigate to Minepacks on Spigot and press the Download button.
    Minepacks Spigot Download
  2. Save this file somewhere easily accessible on your computer for later use.
  3. Head towards your Apex server panel, then click FTP File Access at the top left.
    Minecraft FTP Server

    Important: Make sure to use the correct Server Profile for this installation.

  4. Next, login with your password and enter in the plugins directory.
  5. Near the top left corner, press Upload and drag the file into the respective area.
    Minepacks Installation
  6. Wait for this to reach 100%, then return to the main panel and Restart the server.
  7. Join and execute the /plugins command to confirm the plugin was installed successfully.
    Minepacks Plugin Command

    Note: If Minepacks appears as green, the plugin is enabled and working.


Getting Started

Minecraft Backpack Plugin

Upon entering your server with Minepacks installed, you’ll notice nothing has changed in-game. However, this changes when you’re an operator, as you’re given all commands for the plugin. Players with these permissions can start by using the /backpack command in the chat. This opens a double-chest GUI, accessible from anywhere in the world. There are other commands to review, but the majority of features are stored in the settings and a unique item to use. Although, it should be noted that default players can use this plugin if properly configured. Due to vast amounts of features to try out with Minepacks, we’ll cover the most popular ones down below.

Backpack Item

Players with access to the plugin will receive a Backpack item in their inventory, allowing them to easily open it without using commands. By default, Minepacks enabled this and can be toggled off in the configuration if you want. Some owners may decide to do this, as a downside to the item is that no one can drop or move it. In other words, it’s permanently stuck in the player’s inventory and cannot be taken out of it.

Minecraft Backpack Plugin



By far the most important aspect to Minepacks is its permission nodes, which grants abilities to you and players alike in the server. These control whether or not someone can open a backpack, how many inventory slots it contains, among other features. Luckily, the plugin developer created a permission that is used for almost all basic functions. There are other nodes to try, which we’ll be covering in the following sections. However, managing these requires a plugin like LuckPerms or another similar one. Make sure to have one of these installed on the server before attempting to use them.

User Abilities

As previously mentioned above, the developers created a permission that allows players to use most features without having to add other ones. This is the backpack.user node, giving access to the abilities down below.

backpack.useAllows access to the /backpack command.
backpack.size.1Gives the player one row in the backpack’s inventory.
backpack.sortGrants access to /backpack sort, for sorting items.
backpack.cleanAbility to use the /backpack clean command to remove all items.


Other Abilities

Besides the user permission, there are several other important ones to include in your managing plugin. For example, some owners may want larger backpacks, requiring a specific node to toggle it. We’ll only be reviewing the most valuable permissions, but you can check out Minepacks Wiki for more information.

N/Abackpack.size.XReplace “X” with values between 1-6 to add inventory rows in the backpack.
N/Abackpack.fullpickupIf enabled in the config, picked up items go into the backup on a full inventory.
/backpack [player]backpack.othersAllows the player to view other backpacks.
/backpack reloadbackpack.reloadGives the ability to reload all plugin files in the server, used for applying changes.
N/Abackpack.keepOnDeathAbility to keep all backpack items on death.



The second part of the Minepacks plugin is its configuration file, containing all the settings to control how it behaves in-game. These range from the item’s name to if shulker boxes are allowed in backpacks. Fortunately, the developers included descriptions for everything in the file, making it easier to review. Follow the instructions below to access and successfully edit the settings.

  1. Navigate to the FTP File Access area from your server panel, then login.
  2. Enter in the plugins directory and continue to click on the Minepacks folder.
    Minepacks Folder
  3. Locate the config.yml file, then press Edit to the far right of it.
    Minepacks Configuration
  4. Make any necessary changes and click Save at the top.
    Minepacks Settings
  5. Return to the main panel, then Restart the server to apply the edits.


Popular Settings

Due to the large amount of options in the Minepacks config.yml file, it may be difficult to know the appropriate changes for your server. Keeping this in mind, we’ve compiled a list of popular settings to use in the plugin. If these aren’t suitable for your server, then continue trying out new changes to see what works best.

DropOnDeath: false
  CollectItems: false
  PreventInBackpack: false


Common Issues

Unable to Use Backpacks
In cases where you or other players are unable to use backpacks, ensure permissions are properly configured in your managing plugin. For instance, using LuckPerms to add the backpack.user node will grant access to the main features from Minepacks. Otherwise, make sure to include the additional permissions for more abilities. However, if the problem persists then either becoming an operator or confirming the installation was successful is suggested.
Plugin Doesn’t Work
If after installing Minepacks and it’s not working, make sure you’ve uploaded the file in the correct server profile. Otherwise, confirm it’s been installed in the plugins directory from the FTP area. However, in rare cases Minepacks may not load correctly from an incompatible version or server type. Ensure you’re using Paper, Spigot, or other bukkit-based variants to support the plugin. Additionally, double-check the version you downloaded since it should be the same as the server.

Useful Links

Minepacks on Spigot
How to Add Plugins to a Minecraft Server
How to Install and Use LuckPerms
Minecraft Server Hosting

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