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Minecraft Ender Pearl Update

Posted: Oct 22, 2024 in Minecraft

mc head By Nathan Young

As Minecraft continues to receive updates, especially ‘game drops’, we will begin to see many new changes. Recently, one major move shifted the balance of ender pearls. They are now incredibly overpowered items, as their mechanics were tweaked in favor of teleporting and chunk loading. This affects combat, navigation, and ticking regions – all of which players actively do in the game.

What’s so special about the ender pearl update for Minecraft? Let’s check it out!

Minecraft Snapshot 24w37a

When referring to the Minecraft ender pearl update, we’re addressing the changes made in Snapshot 24w37a. This was released on September 11th of this year and has yet to be implemented in a full version. With this in mind, more changes may be coming to the ender pearl. For the time being, here’s what we know…the good and bad.

Ender Pearl Chunk Loading / Ticking

The major change to ender pearls from Snapshot 24w37a is that they can now load and tick chunks. This means that the region will behave as if a normal player was inside of it. Once you throw an ender pearl, the chunk(s) will be loaded. Additionally, players are now able to travel through different dimensions with these pearls. In the event a player logs out with a thrown ender pearl, it disappears! It’ll come back once the user rejoins the world or server.

Minecraft Ender Pearl Update


The Benefits

In many servers, stasis chambers are essential for a quick escape in combat situations. Now that ender pearls load chunks, it buffs this tactic in ways that are overpowered. Putting aside the chamber, it can be used for keeping a mob farm running without any nearby players. This can increase loot production like crazy! Using the same concept, it can constantly keep your base ticking for automatic machines. This comes in handy when smelting tons of items or using hoppers for other purposes.

The Downside

Despite all the goodies from this ender pearl change, there are drawbacks – primarily for Minecraft servers. Due to more chunks being loaded and how this new mechanic can be used, it can drastically cause performance issues. Players would be able to create lag machines and have them constantly run without being around it. With cases that don’t have malicious intent, it can still lower the ticks per second (TPS). Besides that, speedrun tactics may also need to change.


Ender Pearls Are OP

Okay, so we know that ender pearls are completely overpowered now – right? Loading and ticking chunks is a huge game changer for Minecraft, as it affects many aspects. With our example above, players are able to have a 24/7 mob farm or automatic machine without being nearby. However, remember that the user must stay online for it to work. Even if they log off, when they return the ender pearl will reappear and still load the chunk.

Ender pearls are also overpowered in other ways, but not for the best. They can easily become tools of destruction on Minecraft servers by constantly loading redstone lag machines. This can create nightmares for owners and admins, so we encourage them to seek plugins or mods to prevent such issues. Other than the possibility of performance issues, the Minecraft ender pearl update is definitely a good change for the community.

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