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Posted: Dec 4, 2023 in Minecraft
By Kevin Lott
When it comes to ores in Minecraft, what’s to be expected is almost always the same. Armor, tools, weapons, etc. But as of late, the most recent updates brought us a new ore with an incredibly creative and complex set of uses, Copper! Copper has a multitude of uses that make every other ore pale in comparison. Today, we will go over these uses, how they work, and all things Copper!
Copper is a metal resource obtained from mining copper ore. It can be mined with a stone pickaxe or better as well as obtained from killing drowned. Copper ingots can be obtained by smelting raw copper in a furnace or blast furnace. Copper has a nice bronze color while also holding an industrial aesthetic, having trim and bolts on most of the copper items.
Copper has many uses, from building blocks to interactions with lightning.
In Minecraft, Copper has a unique mechanic that no other building blocks carry. Oxidization. Copper oxidizes over time, gaining a verdigris appearance over four stages. That basically means that over time, the Copper rusts, transforming its appearance from its typical bronze shade to a greenish hue. If the Copper oxidizes for long enough, the entire block will turn green.
Oxidization can be prevented through the use of honeycombs. By using honeycombs on Copper blocks, the blocks are ‘waxed’ and will maintain their current state. Non-oxidized, non-waxed copper blocks are storage blocks equivalent to nine copper ingots. Oxidization can also be removed when a Copper block is struck by lightning. Any other non-waxed copper blocks nearby are deoxidized randomly. Lastly, using an axe on a waxed copper block turns it into the respective non-waxed copper block. In addition, using the axe on an exposed, weathered, or oxidized copper block reverts it by a single stage. This means it will either become a regular, exposed, or weathered copper block respectively.
Block of Copper – A block of copper can be created using nine copper ingots. This can be a great way to store copper ingots in a more compact fashion. Weathered or cut variants cannot be crafted back into copper ingots, unfortunately. The cut variant can be crafted into stairs or slabs, though. Stonecutting blocks of copper give four more times the products than typical for stone.
Cut Copper – A more decorative version of the block of copper. Just like all other copper blocks, this one oxidizes over time as well, but it cannot be crafted back into copper ingots. Cut copper can take the form of a full block, a slab, or even stairs. The stairs are definitely my favorite!
Cut Copper – A more decorative version of the block of copper. Just like all other copper blocks, this one oxidizes over time as well, but it cannot be crafted back into copper ingots. Cut copper can take the form of a full block, a slab, or even stairs. The stairs are definitely my favorite!
Lightning Rod – The Lightning Rod is quite an interesting block. Crafted with three copper ingots, this is a block that is used to divert lightning strikes. This block can be oriented in different directions, redirecting lightning strikes within a spherical volume in a radius of 128 blocks in Java Edition and 64 blocks in Bedrock Edition. The block emits particles during thunderstorms as an indicator. IF multiple lightning rods are in range, the closest to the original location of the strike is chosen.
Lightning can also strike a rod if hit by a Trident enchanted with Channeling during a thunderstorm, even if there are solid blocks above it blocking rainfall, as long as all the blocks are fully transparent. However, lighting rods do not divert lightning created by Channeling Tridents when thrown at an entity, or the lightning summoned by commands. Unlike real life, lighting rods do not require a direct connection with the ground in order to operate. But anyway, why would you want this? Well, if your house is made of all wood and wool, the lightning rod can be used to ensure your house is safe during thunderstorms! Let lightning never harm your humble abode again!
Copper Bulb – The Copper Bulb is a new light-emitting block that toggles on and off depending on a Redstone pulse. It does not need continuous power to emit light. Its light level depends on its state of oxidation, which, like other copper blocks, changes over time. This can be prevented using the Honeycomb method explained earlier. This block is incredibly interesting, as it is a light source that ‘degrades’ over time depending on the oxidation. Neat!
Copper Grate – Copper Grates are simply a variant of Copper Blocks that have perforations that can be seen through. The semi-transparent nature of them leaves a very interesting design, and I believe that the oxidized versions of these blocks are going to look splendid!
Copper Door/Trapdoor – I’m sure this isn’t too hard to understand, but Copper is now getting a door and trapdoor variant. These really are no different from the typical door and trapdoor, except for their unique design, sporting that industrial aesthetic that most certainly fits. If anything, the unique aspect of these is that you’ll be able to find them in the new Trial Chambers in 1.21.
That’s all things Copper! I tried my best to cover any and all blocks related to Copper. Relatively speaking, I would say that Copper started out as underdeveloped, but throughout the most recent updates, Mojang has done a decent job of adding a collection of building options with the new Ore. When the Caves and Cliffs update was first announced, a new ore seemed like a crazy addition, but I would say this collection of blocks along with the unique industrial aesthetic really earns its place in the game. With all that said, I hope you’ve gained an appreciation for Copper like I have. Until next time!