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Posted: Jul 12, 2023 in Minecraft
With the latest release of Minecraft 1.20 and 1.20.1, players may be asking around for the best world seeds. Whether you want to spawn next to villages or have the best terrain for your base, finding the specific generation for this is difficult. It takes lots of time to search for them, but thanks to dedicated community members, there are already amazing 1.20 seeds discovered. These include unique biome generation to rare structures near spawn, allowing explorers and builders alike to enjoy them. In this Apex Hosting blog, we’ll showcase some of the best ones in Minecraft 1.20. Let’s begin!
Due to the abundance of seeds in Minecraft, we’ve compiled them down into the five best ones. These are tailored to builders, adventures, and other kinds of players. This even includes the panorama seed, the world shown in the main menu! That’s right, some users managed to track down this so we all can enjoy it in-game. Enough about all that, check them out down below. Keep in mind that you may want to enable cheats to quickly navigate around or teleport, as it is occasionally needed unless you rather play legit.
The first one on our list has amazing biomes and terrain close together at spawn. You can try this out by using the 4148062705 seed in Minecraft. On the surface, its breathtaking views may distract players from uncovering a secret lurking underneath them. If you travel far enough, specifically to 208, ~, 96
, you’ll reach an ancient city! It’s encouraged to only raid this place when you’re ready, as there’s terrifying creatures all around. In the meantime, you can simply enjoy the scenery on the surface.
If you love all kinds of structures in Minecraft, then consider using the 46546761360 seed for your world. Once you spawn in-game, there’ll be a nearby woodland mansion at 128, ~, 576
for you to raid. Alternatively, you can travel to the following coordinates for villages: 16, ~, -256
and -944, ~, -976
. Otherwise, navigate to -960, ~, -256
to uncover a desert temple to find goodies! Okay, so they aren’t exactly side-by-side. However, they’re all within a reasonable distance for players to enjoy.
Rather than traveling to your desired location, you’ll spawn right at it! Well, this only applies if you want to build amazing structures inside or around a cherry grove mountain range. Use the 454655646551226 seed to begin trying this out! Some building ideas may include making a village in the valley with guard towers surrounding it. Alternatively, you can make one large castle that connects everything together but this may take some time to complete.
Similar to the above seed, you can spawn right by some unique generation! Use 6516547870636750 to enjoy three desert villages nearby, along with an outpost tower. This is a paradise for anyone looking to get a head start on their adventure, but also for users wanting to get the best trades. Regardless if you’re a builder or explorer, this seed comes in handy for pretty much anything. For instance, you can get lots of bread and useful items from looting the villages. Otherwise, you can use the houses as your starter base to get started on a grand adventure.
The last one on our list is the infamous panorama seed for Minecraft 1.20, known as 8554477380691140270. Once you spawn in the world, make your way toward the 1839, 128, 6312
coordinates. It’s best to use the teleport command since it’s a far distance, especially since it’s the exact position where the panorama is taken. The only appeal for this world is that players can play on the main screen map, which feels pretty cool. Besides this, it’s a standard map like any other randomly generated one.
There are so many different seeds to choose from, with some being better than others. Take your time and explore these worlds to see what works best for you. Whether you’re wanting to make the best kinds of structures or kick off your adventure with quick loot, there’s always an option for you. We hope this blog gives you more insight into some good seeds for Minecraft 1.20. Keep in mind that there may still be secrets within them all, meaning other buildings may be nearby or underground. With all that said and done, have a good one gamers!