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How to Join an ECO Server

Last modified on Aug 10, 2023 in eco

mc head By Dalton Whalen


In the world of ECO, you’ll dive into a vibrant world to build a civilization advanced enough to stop a meteor, but maintain the existing ecosystem at the same time. Perform research, create laws, and advance the world in a detailed simulation. Maintain habitats, collect resources, and detail with the waste to prevent environmental disaster. With an ECO dedicated server, team up with other players to form a bustling economy and run a government. Voting on laws, selling items to other players, and charging fees to use your machines are just scratching the surface of the multiplayer aspect of the game. With hundreds of recipes and an advanced ecosystem simulation, you must work together with other players to keep the planet alive for another day. In order to jump into the game, you will first need to know how to join an ECO server, so we have created this Apex Hosting tutorial to help you get started.

Direct Connection with an IP

  1. Navigate to the Apex Server Panel, then log in.
  2. Once on the main server page, scroll down to IP Address:Port.
  3. To the right, locate and copy the full server address.
    ECO Join Panel IP
  4. Launch ECO until you are on the main menu.
  5. Here, enter the Your Worlds section.
    ECO Join Your Worlds
  6. Once opened, press the [+] in the top-right.
  7. In the prompt, paste/type the server IP, then press Join.
    ECO Join IP Join

If a server password is set, you will be prompted to enter it, then begin connecting to the server. After a bit, you should finish connecting and be ready to play as normal!

Using the Public Server Browser

In some cases, locating a server through the browser can be preferred to entering an IP Address. Whether it’s because you only know the server name or simply wish to not enter the IP, this method is just as viable.

  1. Launch ECO until you are at the main menu.
  2. Press the New Game button until the next page opens.
    ECO Join New Game
  3. In the top-right, select Browse All.
  4. Afterwards, press the green Search icon.
    ECO Join Browse All
  5. In the prompt, enter part or all of the server’s name, then press “Search”.
  6. After the results are displayed, select a server, then press “Join”.
    ECO Join Browse Join

Like before, you may be prompted for a password, then you will connect to the server and play normally!

Note: Your server’s name can be changed on the Apex Panel, under the “Customizations” tab. Simply change the server name field, then restart the server. Once the server is online, the new name will be searchable in the browser.

ECO Join Server Name


Rejoining a Server

When you want to rejoin a server at a later time, you can easily relocate the server without the IP or server browser.

ECO Join Recent

Simply head to “Your Worlds” from the main menu to view various servers. Here, you can find any local worlds, official servers, and the “Recent” tab. Under Recent, you can view the servers you have recently joined and reconnect to them once again.

Additionally, you can cick the star to the left of any server’s name to add it to favorites, allowing it to easily be found here as well.

ECO Join Favorite


Common Issues

Failed to connect – connection timed out:
While there are many causes for this error, it generally means that the server cannot be connected to. This is primarily caused by either the server IP being incorrect or the server being offline altogether. To fix this, first visit the Apex Panel and ensure the server is marked as online. If you are unsure, restart the server and wait for a few moments before trying again. Additionally, ensure you copy the exact IP address off of the panel, then paste it in-game with CTRL + V to ensure it is correct.

Connection Failed, Invalid password:
One of the various errors that can be encountered when joining is that the password is not correct. When entering the password, ensure the caps lock is not enabled and you are carefully typing it. If you are still encountering issues, visit the Customizations tab and either confirm or change the existing password. If the password is changed, ensure you restart the server, then try again once it is online!

Helpful Links

Eco Landing Page
ECO Steam Page
Eco Guides

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