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How to Ban and Unban Players on a Terraria Server

Last modified on Nov 17, 2022 in Terraria

mc head By Noah


It’s unfortunately common for some players to cause trouble on your server. They may be griefing by destroying your builds, or they may have guessed your server’s IP if it doesn’t have a password to join. No matter the case, knowing how to quickly ban someone from your server can help mitigate any problems that could be caused by malicious players. Here is a quick guide on how to ban and unban players from your Apex Hosting Terraria server.


How to Ban a Player

Terraria banned player screen

The steps below are for banning players on TModLoader or Vanilla Terraria. Tshock has a slightly different method for banning players. The steps will be listed below in a separate section.

  1. Navigate to your Apex Control Panel and login.
  2. Click on the Console tab in the menu on the left side of the page
    Terraria ban players.
  3. Once the console is open, run the command ban [player]. Replace [player] with the name of the player

Please note that the player you are wanting to ban must be online when you run the command. The game will be unable to ban the player otherwise.



TShock gives the option to ban a player permanently or for a set period of time. You can also add a reason for the ban to help you stay organized.

  1. Navigate to your Apex Control Panel and login.
  2. Click on the Console tab in the menu on the left side of the page
    Banning Terraria players from the panel.
  3. To permanently ban a player, run the command ban add [player] “[reason]”. Replace [player] with the player name and [reason] with the reason for the ban if you wish to add one.
    Temp banning a player from the console
  4. To temporarily ban a player, run the command ban addtemp [player] [time] “[reason]”. Replace [player] with the player’s name, [time] with how long you want the ban to last, and [reason] with the reason for the ban if you wish to add one.
  5. Please note that the player you are wanting to ban must be online when you run the command. The [reason] must also be placed in quotes to be used.


    How to Unban a Player

    The process below will work for the Vanilla and TModLoader versions of the game. TShock uses extra commands that will be listed in a separate section.

    1. Navigate to your server’s Control Panel
    2. Click on the Config Files tab in the menu on the left side of the page.
    3. Locate and click on the Terraria Bans file on the next page.
      Unbanning a player from the config file.
    4. The file will list the name of every player that has been banned from the server with their IP Address beneath it. Delete both the name and the address of the player you want to pardon from the file.
    5. Press the green Save button at the top of the page.

    The player will be unbanned immediately without having to restart the server.



    TShock adds some extra commands to help manage the server including banning and pardoning players. Players can be unbanned using commands by following these steps.

    1. Navigate to your server’s Control Panel
    2. Click on the Console tab in the menu on the left side of the page
    3. Run the command ban del [player]. Replace [player] with the name of the player you want to unban.

    The player will be able to join the server again immediately.



    It’s never fun to ban players, but sometimes it is needed to keep your server and your players safe from malicious griefers. Thankfully, banning and unbanning players is fairly quick and easy to do. By running a single command through the console it is possible to remove problematic players and continue playing peacefully. The temporary ban command is also good for managing players that are being a nuisance, but haven’t done anything you as the owner consider ban worthy. Temporary bans are very useful for enforcing the rules of your server without having to keep track of time on your own. With this quick guide you are ready to better manage your players and remove any problematic users.


    Helpful Links

    How to Add Plugins to Your Terraria Server
    How to Install TShock on Your Terraria Server
    How to Set a Password on Your Terraria Server

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