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Dangerous Treasures Rust Plugin

in Rust

mc head By Nathan Young

Dangerous Treasures Rust Plugin


The default gameplay of Rust can already be a challenge, especially with many players on one dedicated server. However, in some cases there aren’t enough of them to entertain everyone. Fortunately, using uMod plugins can spice up the gameplay experience for all users. One of these is called Dangerous Treasures, which adds a unique event with hostile NPCs protecting a large chest full of loot. This activity can be automatically set to trigger, allowing players to fight against each other to collect powerful gear. Using the plugin on your server is a wonderful way to enhance the gameplay and provide a new method for collecting loot. Setting this up is straightforward and easily done on our panel, but new owners may get confused. Due to this, we’ve created this Apex Hosting tutorial to show you how to install and use the Dangerous Treasure plugin on your Rust server.

How to Download

  1. Navigate to Dangerous Treasures on uMod’s website.
  2. On the right-hand side, press the Download button.
    Dangerous Treasures uMod Download
  3. Save this file somewhere easily accessible for later use.


Server Installation

The installation process requires you to access the FTP panel, as you’ll be uploading the downloaded plugin into server files. This will only take a few minutes since our system is designed for your convenience. Follow the instructions below to install Dangerous Treasures.

  1. Head towards the FTP File Access area from your Apex server panel, near the top left.
    Rust FTP
  2. Proceed to enter your Password in the text box, then click the Login button.
    Rust FTP Login
  3. From here, locate and enter the oxide directory and its plugin subdirectory.
    Rust oxide Folder
  4. Click Upload at the top left corner, then drag and drop the file into the respective area.
    Rust Dangerous Treasures Installation
  5. Wait for this to reach 100%, then return to the main panel and Restart the server.
  6. After everything is loaded, join to confirm the plugin is working properly.


Getting Started

Dangerous Treasures Rust Plugin

Upon entering your Rust server, nothing will be apparently different. This is due to the event’s default design, as it can only be manually started at first. However, as mentioned above, you can set up an automatic method for this activity. Once one has started, its location will have missiles falling from above with hostile NPCs patrolling the area. These enemies are difficult, meaning players who aren’t prepared will surely meet their demise. After someone defeats them and opens the chest, it’ll come to an end. These events can be completely customized, including what types of items are available to loot. We’ll discuss everything about Dangerous Treasures in the following subsections below to get you started.

Starting an Event

Initiating an event is simple, as it requires the /dtevent command. However, you’ll need the Oxide permission dangeroustreasures.use before using it in-game. Otherwise, type “dtevent” in the server’s console to bypass this restriction. Upon doing so, two chat messages will appear for everyone to view. These will provide players with information about the event’s location and remaining time until it officially starts.

Dangerous Treasures Rust Events

This gives you and others time to navigate towards it, which is also configurable in the settings. If someone is having a difficult time finding the event, using the /dtd command will show them their distance from it. This can also be used to view the status of future events, if planned.

Possible Loot

Dangerous Treasures Rust Loot

As for what kinds of items to collect after finishing an event, there are many to possibly obtain. For instance, there can be pistols, rifles, shotguns, armor, tools, ammunition, among other materials.

A complete list of them can be found in the main configuration file for the plugin, which we’ll discuss later in the subsections below.


There are many different types of commands to possibly use in-game, but vary depending on your desired setup. Some of these may not fully work, as you need to be an admin. Otherwise, assigning the permission node to your account is required. Review the list below to learn the most helpful commands to try, but the official plugin page provides more information.

/dteventdangeroustreasures.useAllows to create a new event.
/dtevent tpN/ACreates a new event, then teleports you to it.
/dtevent meN/ACreates an event at your position in-game.
/dtdN/AShows the status of current or future events.
/dtd tpN/ATeleports an admin to the nearest event.
/dtd lifetimeN/AView lifetime scores from events.



Whether you’re wanting to control the chest’s loot or modify the NPCs, tweaking the main plugin’s configuration file is needed for that and more. Doing this is simple, as most of the settings are smoothly formatted. They can either include numerical values or true/false options, allowing almost any server owner to begin editing them. With this said, follow along below to access and tweak the configuration file.

  1. Navigate to the main server panel and enter the FTP File Access area.
  2. Login with your Password, then proceed to this directory pathway: …/oxide/config.
    Rust oxide Config
  3. Once there, locate DangerousTreasures.json and press Edit to the far right of it.
    Rust Dangerous Treasures Config
  4. Continue to make your desired changes, then click Save at the top.
    Rust Dangerous Treasures Settings
  5. Return to the main panel and Restart the server to apply the edits.


Common Issues

Dangerous Treasures Isn’t Loading

Sometimes, the plugin will not load due to it being installed incorrectly. Make sure you’re using the right Server Profile for this process, as it creates a separate directory for the files. Otherwise, double-check you’ve uploaded Dangerous Treasures in this pathway: …/oxide/plugins. After these aspects are confirmed, simply Restart the server to begin loading the plugin.

Unable to Run Commands

Remember, it’s encouraged to be an administrator on your Rust server so you get access to all commands. However, it’s also recommended to assign the plugins’ oxide permissions to your account. Doing both of these methods will ensure you have the ability to execute any Dangerous Treasure commands. Although, if you’re incorrectly using them, then it will not work. If you need additional information about commands, review the plugin’s uMod page.

Useful Links

Dangerous Treasures on uMod
Becoming a Rust Server Administrator
Oxide Permissions Guide
How to Access Rust Servers via FTP

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