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Cooking for Blockheads Minecraft Mod

Last modified on Nov 3, 2022 in Mods

mc head By Dalton Whalen


When it comes to surviving in Minecraft, food is a resource that is non-negotiable. Whether it’s from fighting mobs or exploring the world, hunger will always be on your tail. While there are many food options and plenty of mods to add even more, keeping track of each recipe and ingredient can become tedious. This is no longer an issue with Cooking for Blockheads, a Minecraft mod that provides a variety of functional kitchen blocks. From ovens that cook tons of food at once to a cooking table that can make food from nearby items, you’ll no longer have any issues quelling your in-game hunger. Installing mods is simple with Apex Hosting, so we have created this tutorial to assist you in getting started.


Cooking for Blockheads is a Forge and Fabric mod owned by BlayTheNinth on CurseForge. The Fabric version is primarily 1.19 at the time of writing, however the Forge version spans from version 1.7.10 up to 1.19. With ovens, sinks, and more, cooking has never been easier while still offering great aesthetics. In addition to providing easy access to any recipe, other mods like Pam’s Harvestcraft can also be used to further your cooking arsenal.

Cooking for Blockheads Download

  1. Visit the Cooking for Blockheads page for Forge or Fabric.
  2. Press “Files” at the top to view the download versions.
    Cooking for Blockheads Files
  3. Search for the desired version that you wish to use.
    Cooking for Blockheads Download
  4. Press the download button to the right.
  5. Save the file to a safe location for later.
  6. Download Balm (Forge) or Balm (Fabric) for the same version as well.

Once the files are downloaded, you are ready to install them on the server and your own game!

Server Installation

  1. Navigate to the Apex Server Panel, then stop the server.
  2. Scroll down to the “Game File” section, then open the dropdown.
    Cooking for Blockheads Server Version
  3. Ensure the server is running the Forge or Fabric version to match the mods.
  4. Visit the “FTP File Access” in the left-hand menu, then log in.
    Cooking for Blockheads FTP File Access
  5. Locate or create the “mods” folder, then enter it.
  6. Press “Upload” in the top-left, then drag + drop your mod files.
    Cooking for Blockheads Upload
  7. Once fully uploaded, return to the main panel and restart the server.


Client-Side Installation

Before proceeding, you will want to ensure Minecraft Forge or Fabric is installed on your game client. This will ensure the mods are loaded up correctly in order to join the server. Once the matching version is installed, you are ready to proceed.

  1. Open the Minecraft launcher on your computer.
  2. Navigate to “Installations” at the top, then locate your modded profile.
  3. Highlight the profile, then press the folder icon to the right.
    Cooking for Blockheads Folder
  4. When the file browser opens, locate or create the “mods” folder.
  5. Enter the folder, then paste the .jar files from earlier.
    Cooking for Blockheads Client Mods
  6. Once done, return to the MC launcher and press Play.


Getting Started

Cooking for Blockheads Kitchen

There are many blocks included in the mod, some more meaningful than others. While each block is great for creating a kitchen build, they also function as storage, cooking, and crafting. Some of these notable blocks include:

Cooking Table

Cooking for Blockheads Crafting 2
Cooking for Blockheads Crafting 1

One of the more important blocks in the mod, the cooking table allows you to review all available recipes you can create with the items around you. In addition to this, it can access the other blocks around it to quickly cook or craft from storage.

Cooking Oven

Cooking for Blockheads Cooking 2
Cooking for Blockheads Cooking 1

With the cooking oven, you can easily cook items in bulk. Unlike a normal furnace, the oven allows you to cook 9 items at the same time. When connected with the cooking table, items can be automatically deposited into the oven to be cooked.


Cooking for Blockheads Fridge

The fridge functions as both pleasant decoration as well as being a larger storage receptacle. With 54 slots available in storage, many items can be kept here in addition to being accessible by the cooking table and other blocks.


Cooking for Blockheads Sink

What kitchen is complete without a sink? While it may primarily be used for aesthetics, the sink provides an unlimited water source. Whether this is used in modded recipes or just to have easy water access, it’s a must-have for any kitchen build.

Spice and Tool Rack

Cooking for Blockheads Spice Shelf
Cooking for Blockheads Tool Shelf

These last two main items, the spice rack and tool rack are yet another decoration block that has functionality within the kitchen itself. The spice rack is a smaller storage device accessible by the cooking table, but also has the items in plain view. Similarly, the tool rack is the same, but can only hold two items.

Common Issues

I receive an error when the mods are loading:
If you receive an error during startup, check the error to see if a dependency may be missing from your game. If Balm is not installed, the mod will not run properly when starting up. To fix this, install Balm to your mods folder, then restart the game to try again. Otherwise check that all mods and your mod loader are the same version.

I receive an error when trying to join the server:
Oftentimes if an error is received while joining the server, it is because the mods are not properly running on your own game. First, ensure that the mod .jar files are installed within your own mods folder. If everything appears correct, then ensure you are launching your Forge/Fabric profile rather than vanilla.

Helpful Links

Cooking with Blockheads (Forge)
Cooking with Blockheads (Fabric)
How to Install Forge Client-Side
Fabric Mod Loader

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